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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  January 30, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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about an hour talking about, what else, their super bowl coaching sons jim and john. >> loose lips sink ships. and they both have subscribed to that philosophy. so no one talks to anyone. jim is very quiet and guarded, and john is very quiet and guarded. and that's exactly the way we want them. >> and so are we. [ laughter ] >> reporter: story after story unfolded about the boys' upbringing and their influence on football by mom and dad, a college football coach. >> when they could just barely walk, john and jim, she would bring them out to the practice field. and we would be practicing and they would be running and doing all the things that little kids did. eventually piled up dummies and they were jumping at dummies. then they learned they could throw the ball around. then they learned they could get into the locker room and meet the players and do those kinds of things. >> reporter: is the family excited about this matchup! jim called dad right after the nfc championship game. >> and he's going, dad, tell me what's going on!
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we're getting on the airplane. i have no idea what's happening. i said, well, it's -- >> he just fumbled! the patriots just fumbled. about two plays later touchdown past to bolden. we have a two score game here. he said, dad, do you realize where this thing is headed? >> reporter: wednesday wasn't going to be a slow day. not with jack and jackie harbaugh running the show. at this point, they did not say or they're not telling where they're going to be sitting on sunday but one thing is for sure, nobody's got it better than them. >> thank you, vern. that was the biggest news gathering in terms of the media's attendance outside of the players from both the ravens and the 49ers. and al and liz, if i do the math correctly on sunday, somebody's going to have it better than somebody. right? >> i know. i know. not mom and dad. they're cool. >> they're a winner either way. >> thank you. there will be another first for the nfl on friday. the opposing coaches will hold a joint news conference just
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two days before the big game. heavy rain came pouring down in the french quarter today forcing several media crews including our own to find somewhere else to work. the cold rain was blown in by gusty winds at the height of the morning rush hour. breaking umbrellas on canal street, sending people to find shelter. chief meteorologist paul deanno is in the weather center. that storm was part of a major system bringing bad weather to a chunk of the u.s. >> yeah. new orleans actually did not get the worst of it. we had 30 different reports of tornadoes over the past two days, seven in north georgia this morning. so yes, it was pouring in new orleans with gusty winds, but they were on the southern end of things. we had 550 reports over the past two days of wind damage and one person did lose his life in tennessee as a result of this severe weather, which will be heading toward baltimore over the next 12 hours. they had a high of 70 today. they will be in the 40s tomorrow on the other side of that front. on the other side of the country, we find a huge bubble of high pressure right over top of northern california. you can see that dark color, that says no moisture in the
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atmosphere whatsoever. we'll talk about how long we will stay sunny and dry, nice outside today. i'll have your full forecast coming up in about 12 minutes. >> thank you. it was a melee in the mission after the giants world series win last fall. the city does not want to see this repeated come super bowl sunday. cbs 5 reporter da lin on the mayor's assurances to business owners. >> reporter: sporting a 49ers cap and a bright red suit, mayor ed lee met with business owners in the mission this afternoon. >> when we win the super bowl, everybody is celebrating safely. >> we're worried about the super bowl. >> reporter: he reassured them, this type of rowdy celebration won't happen again on super bowl sunday. >> people going nuts out here jumping on cars, smashing windows, graffiti everywhere. we don't need that out here. >> reporter: some owners say they are taking steps to protect their storefronts. the property owner of bella vista eye clinic will hire three security guards to watch
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the building on sunday. >> it's a very costly office, you know, because of the equipment, because of the frames. so we cannot take chances. >> reporter: vandals tagged the building and set a bonfire in front of the clinic a few months ago when the giants won the world series. they also sprayed this japanese restaurant and other stores near the intersection of mission and 21st streets. >> it's been 18 years since the 9ers have been in a super bowl and since they've won one so definitely a heightened level of concern. >> reporter: the restaurant owner says he will close down early if people get out of control again. a couple of other stores are even thinking about boarding up their windows. mayor lee hopes sports fans this time around will celebrate responsibly. >> people do deserve to kind of unleash all of their celebratory mood. at the same time, they have to be respectful of the businesses that are here. >> reporter: the mayor reminded
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the business owners out here to not leave their trash on the streets on super bowl sunday. you'll remember last time vandals set the trash on fire. also there at least 100 extra police officers on the streets most of them here in the mission district. live in of, i'm da lin, cbs 5. 49ers fans need to start making a game plan to get to the new stadium in santa clara. it's roughly a 40-mile roundtrip trip for fans driving from san francisco. and then you have to think about all that game day traffic on top of it. cbs 5 reporter mark sayre went to find out if public transportation is an easier option. mark. >> reporter: well, elizabeth, by comparison, the meadowlands is only 8 miles from midtown manhattan, cowboys stadium 20 miles from downtown dallas. this new stadium more than 40 miles from downtown san francisco. so how in the world do you get here on public transportation?
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reporter: it may not look like much but the vta light rail station is closest to the new stadium. just imagine what it will look like after 68,000 people spill out after a game and another nearby station which serves nearby amtrak and ace train, riders can already feel the chaos. what's it going to mean for a little train station like this? >> oh, too small. >> reporter: but if you are coming to the new stadium from points north, these stations could be in your future. caltrain takes about 45 minutes from downtown san francisco to mountain view and that's where you'll have to transfer to a vta light rail for another 20- minute ride. >> it's mountain view to elmont. >> reporter: vta planners are working to speed up the journey as part of a larger improvement project. >> we're looking the express service that goes directly from the caltrain station in mountain view to the stadium.
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>> reporter: brandi childress with vta says the bart extension to santa clara county will provide another route with an expected opening date of 2017 connecting to vta light rail near the great mall of milpitas. amtrak and the ace trains will provide links for fans from oakland and the east bay suburbs and hot dog vendor howard gibbons says he doesn't feel too bad for some fans that will now have to commute. >> yeah. but what did we do when they are stuck in san francisco? we did the hassle of going through there, going through south city and everything. so, you know, now it's their turn to come here and watch us enjoy our 49ers. >> reporter: as for that vta station outside the stadium, it only handles fewer than 100 passengers a day right now on a typical sunday. planners expect it to be about 9,000 a day on game day. they are also working to expand the station and tracks in the
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area. live in santa clara, i'm mark sayre, cbs 5. [ inaudible ] a flag, another flag. >> the bling around his neck, decorations around the room. how this young 49ers fan has turned his hospital room into the ultimate fan cave. the big easy on the big screen. who is benefitting from the movie business in new orleans? and what the city's doing to become hollywood south. obesity "mythbusters." can you burn 300 calories just having sex? the kids need p.e. class. dr. kim explores the myths of obesity and finds out which ones might be true look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song.
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that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. california safety officials have issued the penalties for worker safety violations... after the massive fire at the inery last chevron has been hit with $1 million in fines for worker safety violations. this after the massive fear at the company's richmond refinery lastaugust. it's the max number fines allowed under state law.
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the golden gate bridge is going electronic. testing for the new electronic tolling started this morning. they hope it will cut costs. it will be introduced to the public in march. toll workers are being offered different roles in the organization. a crash in livermore killed one person. highway patrol says it started when the driver of a honda civic rear-ended another car at about 6:00 this morning. the honda ended up being hit by two other cars and burst into flames. the driver of the car died at the scene. it's the ultimate fan cave. how one young 49er faithful has turned his hospital room into football fantasy. >> on the road to the dome. we check in with mike sugerman who is take the long way to new orleans.
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save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now. mark on the big screen. with shows like hbo's treme'... and the oscar nominated film "django unchained", new orle the big easy making its mark on the big screen with shows like django unchanged and hbo shows, new orleans is become known as hollywood south. last year movie projects more than tripled 10 years ago thanks to a tax incentive.
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michelle griego caught up with george lucas walking through the french quarter and he explained hollywood projects bring in money but it doesn't last. >> all it does is help the merchants, which is a very good thing. make a lot of money. but if you want to get local talent, acting, camera, you know, directors, writers -- >> he doesn't slow down. the city is trying to capitalize as much as it can with stage and post-production facilities. so when a movie does come to town they get the prop, the costume crews, the camera houses, they are already there set up. an annual tradition during super bowl week is now open to fans who want to have the ultimate nfl experience. the interactive event lets people test their skills with the 40-yard dash and see how you measure up to nfl greats in quarterbacking. some nfl players such as andrew luck of the colts are also there for autographs and photos. >> the nfl experience was a pass, punt, kick event for
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people to get involved with the nfl during the super bowl. even though they didn't have a ticket to the game, necessarily. it's really evolved over the years. >> among the more popular features, getting a video made of your touchdown dance. one of the 49ers' biggest and smallers fans isn't letting a hospital stay derail his party plans. 7-year-old jacob murphy is a heart patient in palo alto. he turned his room into the ultimate fan cave. the second grader is planning a super bowl bash for sunday and he has set the menu. >> i'm going to buy a game day bucket, come over my family is going to come and we're going to watch the super bowl and eat chicken legs. >> legs. he says he would love to be a play-by-play announcer one day and is already calling the
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super bowl's final score. his prediction? 9ers 34, ravens 0. >> that's good. i lookic that. >> hope he's right. >> absolutely. i love how he has the 49ers pjs too. >> he is going to meet a few of those players, don't you know? >> ultimate fan. >> stray strong, jacob. >> good deal outside. we could tell the difference from yesterday to today, 5 degrees made all the difference today. know the a cloud in the sky as we look toward the bay bridge. oakland off in the distance, the oakland hills. it's all about the sunshine sunset officially in san francisco today 5:32. mount diablo there in the distance, as well. we are sunny inland and we did hit the mid-60s coming off the highs now livermore currently 60. san jose 63. concord 61. oakland you're at 64. 58 degrees in downtown san francisco. more on a record that we're very close to in downtown san francisco in a second. radar is clear. you have seen a lot of that so far this month. two different places we get
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weather information. one at sfo airport. only .2" of rainfall. one in downtown san francisco near the u.s. mint. this will be the third driest january ever in downtown. and likely it will be the driest january ever since we have been keeping records at sfo. it has been that dry this january. dry tonight clear skies chilly again in fremont 39. concord 39. fairfield 36. in the city down to 48. oakland 45. and san jose you will drop down to 42 degrees overnight tonight. i have established the pattern for you over the past couple of days. big ridge of high pressure over northern california so the only question is, when will this ridge break down and our forecas change? not tomorrow through sunday. we are going to stay sunny and mild for a while. storm track stays up to our north as high pressure doesn't move. so the weather that you enjoyed today or maybe you were stuck inside the office, you're going to have it all the way through the weekend. so don't fret, you'll be able to get outside saturday and sunday. changes next week. rainfall for now remains to our north but the whole pattern will shift to the south. we get showers middle of next
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week but the next several days are dry. mealed through the super bowl. february which starts friday will start off dry. that the pa earn change is coming but not until next week. look at these highs tomorrow. oakland 67. san jose 67. do i hear a 68? morgan hill, campbell 68. union city 66. looking at mid-60s a gorgeous day from fairfield to dublin- pleasanton. all mid-60s. low to mid-60s for san rafael, mill valley, downtown san francisco. 62 degrees in january. february starts friday. sunny saturday. sunny. super bowl sunday sunny. showers next week not a widespread rain until next wednesday. couldn't get outside today? don't worry about it, we got it for the weekend too. >> and groundhog day is coming saturday. want it stay slim? some say ramp up your sex life. >> but is that a myth or a hard
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core truth? dr. kim does some myth busting. reporter: cindy struggles with her weight. >> in terms of pounds, how much weight would you like to lose? >> probably 25 to 30. >> reporter: new research shows many of the diet and exercise programs a 55-year-old has tried throughout her adult life really don't work. >> you're always advised not to lose a lot of weight too fast that it's going to be bad for you. in fact that doesn't appear to be true. >> reporter: in fact, in the long run, fast initial weight loss is a better way to go. that's one of several obesity myths revealed in a new study. in it, researchers looked at all the studies and shed the fat lies for facts. for example, if you make a small lifestyle change, like walking 20 minutes daily or eating two extra potato chips a day, it will add up to large long-term weight changes. >> you will eventually plateau and even the initial weight gain won't be a great as predicted. >> reporter: another myth that
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sex burns up to 300 calories. fat chance. a typical encounter lasts 6 minutes and burns only 21 calories. a man would have to have sex for an hour to burn 200 calories. he could burn more by watching the super bowl. other myths that breast-feeding protects the infant against obesity. it doesn't. the p.e. classes keep kids slim in they don't. and that you should set realistic goals so you don't get frustrated. that's not true. the most ambitious plans to lose weight work best. now, those are the fat lies and here's the hard core truth. the study also points out what does work. restricting calories to lose weight and exercise to keep it off. >> get out and take a walk. >> reporter: absolutely. >> start walking now to be ready for super bowl sunday. >> keep walking like you're walking to new orleans. >> don't stop we'll be right back. i'm dennis o'donnell at the
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super bowl. you want to stop the 49ers? try stopping the read option offense. ravens linebacker ray lewis thinks baltimore will have more success than previous 49er opponents. >> a lot of people who played against them just never communicated at all. you know? and i believe that's one of the advantages of what we have as a defense. you know, we do a job of communicating very well. >> the ravens beat san francisco last year 16-6 but that was without colin kaepernick and without the pistol offense. at super bowl xlvii, i'm dennis o'donnell.
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altamirano of san leandro says her family is the biggest 49ers fa now for some more of your 49ers photos, this family is the biggest 49ers faithful. >> adam kennedy of san francisco sent us this photo of little 9ers fans. >> and bill of menlo park sent us this picture of six pugs
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rooting for the 49ers in their quest six. >> six pugs, no waiting. keep you your fan photos coming. email them to or upload your photos to our website, and cbs 5 reporter mike sugerman is road tripping his way to the super bowl. >> oh, he is but he is still deep in the heart of texas. hard to get out of texas. his latest stop, the dallas suburb of frisco. >> mike, you've made an unexpected scoffry there? >> reporter: i ended up -- >> mike, you made an unexpected discovery there? >> reporter: i ended up in frisco texas. i just pulled in. but on the internet, there's rabid 49er fans on they have places where they go for games. there's a couple of bars they go to. there's even a place called
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twin peaks here in frisco, texas, it's -- well, it's like hooters apparently. now, last night, yesterday, i took the 72-ounce steak challenge in amarillo, texas. it costs $72 but if you eat it all, it's free. i was eating eating eating eating, taking small bites, small bites. no. i didn't quite get it. i got maybe a third through which is about -- well, 25 ounces? that's almost two pounds. the two women next to me didn't do it, either. they got farther than i did. and i felt a little queasy this morning. i'm having a little trouble getting into my jeans today. but i'm back on top and i think it's going to be texas barbecue tonight. so we're checking out frisco bars and the 9er empire which is the big club here in frisco texas. we are going to try to hook up
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with them. and i'll tell you what i can tomorrow about that. >> perfect. he won't need to eat until he gets to new orleans. >> mike, drive safely. we'll be right back.
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look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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the bay area's latest walmart. how the new neighbor, changes an upscale vision for the comm new at 6:00 tonight, a grand opening today for the bay area's latest walmart store. how the new neighbor changes an
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upscale vision for the community. and if you're a 49ers fan, what is stopping you from going to the super bowl? most likely, you just did. paul says money. how you can travel in style if finances aren't a factor. these stories and much more tonight at 6:00. and thank you for watching. the "cbs evening news with scott pelley" is next. >> all right. we'll see you in 30 minutes. have a good night. captions by: caption colorado >> pelley: tonight, a surprise witness as congress begins work on gun control. >> be bold. be courageous. americans are counting on you. >> pelley: we'll hear from
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gabrielle giffords and the n.r.a. nancy cordes reports from capitol hill. michelle miller has one mother's story from newtown. a massive storm system is moving across the country tonight. what's coming next from meteorologist david bernard. weekend, jim axelrod in new orleans, where the city's chefs have served up an economic recovery. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. the senate judiciary committee had assembled for the first congressional gun control hearing since the sandy hook tragedy when the surprise witness appeared. former congresswoman gabrielle giffords of arizona was led by the hand by her husband, mark


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